Any person over the age of 18 can become a member of LBM for free. Joining the platform allows them to post offers and review other member’s offers as well as communicate with members regarding potential barters. Once a member is ready to perform a barter, a paid membership is required. There are three levels of paid membership to choose from:

  1. $10 Novice membership: allows a member to perform one barter and use the virtual currency to receive services from others.
  2. $30 Standard membership: allows a member unlimited access to the platform for 3 months from date of purchase. At the end of three months, the member may only spend the balance of virtual currency to receive services from others.
  3. $99 Elite membership: allows a member unlimited access to the platform for one year from date of purchase. Upon expiry/non-renewal, the member may only spend the balance of virtual currency to receive services from others.

Regardless of membership, the points earned do not expire.

RIGHT NOW, FOR A LIMITED TIME, members of Local Barter Market can perform two barters without being required to purchase a membership.

ALSO FOR A LIMITED TIME, members who purchase $10 membership will receive 100 barter credits, $30 will receive 300  barter credits and $99 will receive $1,000 barter credits. To receive a credit after purchase of membership, please contact us through our website CONTACT PAGE